学习知识|睡觉用英语怎么说,洗的英语怎么说?( 四 )

11、    在给这些男孩们盖好被子叫他们乖乖睡觉前, 我会给他们唱首歌或讲一个故事听 。
I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in.
12、    如果你整晚又打喷嚏又吊呕, 我们就别想睡觉了 。
If you're going to sneeze and honk all night, we'll never get any sleep
13、    我们给了他一张大海绵床垫用来睡觉 。
We had given him a large foam mattress to sleep on.
14、    她让孩子们吃了点夜宵, 然后让他们上床睡觉 。
She gives the children their supper, then puts them to bed.
15、    我大约晚上11点上床睡觉 。
I go to bed round 11:00 at night.
