学习知识|长颈鹿英语怎么说,狐狸英文怎么说读( 二 )

4.Also, she can’t find her giraffe./还有 , 她找不到她的长颈鹿了 。
5.As the giraffe and elephant watch in horror, they look at him and ask, "Lion, why did you do this?/长颈鹿和大象被吓坏了 , 它们看着狮子问它:“狮子 , 你为什么要打小白兔呢?
6.Such expeditions brought exotica back to China; witness the giraffe once presented at the Ming court./一系列探险给中国带来了异域奇珍 , 有人目睹长颈鹿出现在明朝廷上 。
7.As if glad to be free of the city, the train slackens speed and proceeds at a pace an arthritic giraffe could match./火车似乎也为摆脱了城市的喧嚣而高兴 , 车速放慢下来 , 就是一匹生关节炎的长颈鹿也能跑得这么快 。 ?
8.Current pets include dog, tiger, penguin, panda, pig, giraffe, monkey, turtle, dragon, and more./当前的宠物包括:狗 , 老虎 , 企鹅 , 大熊猫 , 猪 , 长颈鹿 , 猴子 , 海龟 , 龙等等 。
9.She knows that her mother likes giraffes; at the zoo, she stands for five or ten minutes at the edge of the giraffe area, talking about their beautiful large eyes and their long lovely eyelashes./她知道妈妈喜欢长颈鹿 , 在动物园里 , 她在长颈鹿的园子里一站就是五到十分钟 , 称赞长颈鹿美丽的大眼睛和长长的眼睫毛 。
10.A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint./有一只小白兔快乐地奔跑在森林中, 在路上它碰到一只正在卷大麻的长颈鹿 。
