1.种花用英语怎么说1.种花:grow the flowers 。
2.种花 栽花:growflowers 。
3.种花 种花:Blumen pflanzen 。
1.莉莉有一个漂亮的花园 , 因为她是种花高手.
The garden of her is very beautiful,because she has a green thumb.
My aunt likes growing flowers,too.
【养花翻译成英语】一般就用:grow the flowers
1. 水仙 , narcissus 2蝴蝶兰 , phalaenopsid 3天堂鸟 , bird of paradise
4勿忘我 , forget-me-not 5满天星 , baby's breath 6兰花 , orchid
7美人蕉 , cacca(或Indian shot) 8风信子 , hyacinth 9郁金香 , tulip
10夜来香 , evening primrose 11梅花 , plum blossom(或wintersweet)
12牡丹 , peony 13杜鹃花 , azalea 14菊花 , chrysanthemum
15蓝色妖姬 , blue dream 16荷花 , lotus 17凌霄 , Chinese trumpet creep(学名campsis grandiflora)
18仙人掌 , cactus 19 竹子 , bamboo 20梅花 plum blossom(或wintersweet)
21向日葵 sunflower 22茉莉jasmine 23.丁香lilac
24.百合lily 25.木兰花mangnolia 26.玉兰花mangnolia
27.牵牛(喇叭花)morning glory 28 玫瑰 rose 29紫罗兰violet,stock violet
30薰衣草 lavender 31文竹 setose asparagus 32凤仙花uch-me-not (balsam)
33 樱花cherry 34杜鹃花 azalea 35秋海棠 begonia
36Brazil 巴西木 37仙人掌cactus 38.山茶花camellia
39. 麝香石竹(康乃馨) carnation 40灯笼花 Chinese enkianthus
41海棠花 rab-apple 42 菊花 chrysanthemum 。
2.中文翻译成英文I love the flower, therefore also likes growing flowers. I may not become the flower growing expert, because does not have the time to do the research and the experiment. I only treat as the flower growing in the life one kind of pleasure, spends the size quality did not haggle over, so long as has the flower, I am happy. In mine yard, to the summer, the kittens has the best room to play, ground not their athletic field. 。