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Crucially, we've learned that these needs are not hierarchical. Think of yourself: You don't wake up in the morning and only think about food, then worry about making money, then think about loftier pursuits. Neither your day nor your life unfolds like that. It's messier, because of our adaptive and clever biology. Our hormones, our neurotransmitters, even our gut bacteria cause us to think about base needs like survival and loftier ones like personal fulfillment simultaneously. In fact, they compete with one another for our attention, and we prioritize and re-prioritize them on the fly, as context changes.
要注意的是,我们早已明白这些需求并不是最重要的 。 请考虑一下自身情况:早上起床的时候,我们并不会担心没有食物或者无法赚钱养家,那么我们就思考更高层次的需求 。 我们每天的生活都不会以这样的担忧而开始,还有比这更复杂的,因为我们拥有人类天生拥有的适应性和智慧 。 我们的荷尔蒙,神经传递介质,甚至是肠道细菌都会让我们同时思考自身的基本需求,如生存需求和实现自身满足感的更高层次的需求 。 实际上,它们正利用我们的注意力彼此互相抗衡,正如不同的情境变换,我们把它们多次不断更改优先的位置 。
lofty adj.:崇高的,高级的 。 此处loftier pursuits,更高层次的需求,指的是精神层面的追求 。
neurotransmitter ['n?rotr?nzm?t?], n.:神经递质
Apple's understanding of this is what sets it apart when it comes to launching market-changing products, including the newly announced Apple Watch. Apple doesn't lock into one need on the hierarchy (soup that satisfies hunger, or perfect luxury car), but instead builds and markets products that connect on all four of the human needs that we're grappling with constantly. Let's use the Apple Watch as an example:
苹果公司根据其对于人类需求的理解,在市场变动的情况下推广产品的时候,包括Apple Watch,把这两个概念分离开来 。 苹果公司并不局限优先满足某一个需求(生理需求还是精神需求),相反地,它制造和推广符合人们不断挣扎的四大需求的新产品,下面就以Apple Watch为例,给大家分析苹果公司是如何的独领风骚 。


Texts, finger-drawn emoticons, even the feature some consider hopelessly gimmicky, heartbeat sharing, are all central to the device keeping you connected.
文本信息,手写表情符号,甚至是任何逗趣狡猾的元素,情感分享,都是你和外界联系的媒介 。


Connections to loved ones is part of comfort, and so is the built-in health and fitness tracking, which makes the device something of a coach in your quest to improve yourself.
与所爱的人产生联系能够让你感到安逸舒适,那么机带的健康追踪功能也能满足这一需求,它能够适时贴心地给你提供健身的提醒 。


An easy box for Apple to check. Though many were surprised by the Apple Watch's conventional look (which pundits immediately declared savvy), Apple actually took the traditional winding crown of a watch and with it created a unique UI and UX, making it a tool for zooming in and out of maps or menus. The same is true in Apple's creation of an original touch interface which distinguishes between a tap and a press, giving the small screen twice as much utility as it would otherwise have.
很简单,以小见大 。 尽管很多人都惊讶于苹果手表的传统造型(智者所标榜的悟性),设计师在设计的过程中,采用了传统的环形皇冠造型,并设计了独特的用户界面和用户体验,使之能够帮助用户放大和缩小观看地图和菜单选项 。 同样的,苹果独创的传统识别点击和长按的触屏,提供了比屏幕大两倍的增缩功能 。
