我唯一一次生病是因为吃了未熟的梨 。
2、Here's a pear for you. Catch!
给你一个梨 , 接着!
3、There are lots of pear trees near the house.
屋子近旁种着许多梨树 。
4、Scoop out the rotten part of the pear.
把梨烂的地方剜掉 。
5、Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade
有时我会拿一本书去梨树底下 , 坐在斑驳的树影中看 。
“梨”的拼音怎么拼? 梨的英语:pear
读音:英 [pe?(r)] 美 [per]
n. 梨;梨树
1、cultivate a pear 种梨树
2、eat a pear 吃梨
3、pick pears 摘梨
4、snow pear 雪梨
1、The pear was rotten right through.
这个梨烂透了 。
2、The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much.
梨是好吃的水果,我非常喜欢它 。
3、We carried the pears with a boat.
我们用小船运那些梨 。
She pulled a pear from a pear tree .
她从梨树上摘下一只梨 。
4、She kept the largest pear for herself.
她把最大的梨留给自己 。
1、apple英 ['?pl] 美 ['?pl]
n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙
例句:The apple trees are blossoming.
苹果树正在开花 。
2、Pitaya英 ['p?t?j?] 美 ['p?t?j?]
n. 火龙果
例句:The pitaya is a type of delicious fruit.
这火龙果那么好吃 。
3、banana英 [b?'nɑ?n?]美 [b?'n?n?]
n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻
例句:Banana plants produce one stem at a time.
芭蕉属植物一次生出一根蕉头 。
4、cherry英 ['t?er?]美 ['t??ri]
n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色
例句:Over night, the cherry tree had come into bloom.
樱花一夜间绽放 。
5、grape英 [gre?p]美 [ɡrep]
英 [ɡre?p] 美 [ɡre?p]
n. 葡萄;葡萄树;深紫色;[军]葡萄弹
例句:The natural sugars found in grape juice
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