
节日:和全国都一样,过年吃饺子,放鞭炮,贴春联,串门什么的.晚上守岁之后还要吃一次饺子. 饮食:特色————当当当当~酸菜.这个是别的地方没有的.就是在入冬的时候买许多白菜(也有大头菜,但不如白菜好吃~),洗赶紧,放进缸里,撒上盐,密封.一直到一个月左右.东北人爱吃炖菜.因为天气冷.还有人参,鹿茸.这是特色嘛~东北菜量大,味道重.还有蘑菇,野菜.东北人喜欢吃面条,生蔬菜蘸大酱.最喜欢饺子.各种馅的.还有杀猪菜.比如血肠.杀猪菜都要用刚刚杀死的猪做.

pour the soup into the soup bowl in which this is green onion 锅中汤倒入有葱的碗中
7,胡椒粉,烧开锅煮5分钟,take two eggs and stir egg, english composition 番茄鸡蛋汤 英语作文
follow me to make tomato & egg soup 跟我如下做
1,搅动好,稍微搅动下,fire the boiler,番茄酱
8, tomato paste,peel off two pieces of tomatos 番茄去皮
2,油tomato & egg soup,then step 7,msg(only for chinese), the soup is ready 打二个蛋, you take the taste soup 好了,cut one piece of green onion into 2 millimeter segment and then put it into a soup bowl 青葱切碎入汤碗
4,cheese,味精, let the water boiling,倒入锅,put salt, then put the stired egg into the boiler,put one and half litre of water into the boiler 一升半水入锅
5. then cook 1 or 2 mimutes,and stir the boiler gently once,black pepper powder,and cook for 5 minutes,into boiler 锅里放盐,cut the peeled tomato into pieces and then put it into boiler(pot) 去皮番茄切片入锅

节日:和全国都一样,过年吃饺子,放鞭炮,贴春联,串门什么的.晚上守岁之后还要吃一次饺子. 饮食:特色————当当当当~酸菜.这个是别的地方没有的.就是在入冬的时候买许多白菜(也有大头菜,但不如白菜好吃~),洗赶紧,放进缸里,撒上盐,密封.一直到一个月左右.东北人爱吃炖菜.因为天气冷.还有人参,鹿茸.这是特色嘛~东北菜量大,味道重.还有蘑菇,野菜.东北人喜欢吃面条,生蔬菜蘸大酱.最喜欢饺子.各种馅的.还有杀猪菜.比如血肠.杀猪菜都要用刚刚杀死的猪做.

his fore-fin ger.
