
furniture是不可数名词 。furniture一般用来表示“设备 , 家具 , 储藏物” , 指室内的可移动的大件物品 , 是所有家具的总称 。furniture的词性是名词 , 没有复数形式 。例句:You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture.你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具 。We will buy some furniture for our new house.我们得给我们的新房子买些家具 。



词汇搭配Composite furniture.复合家具;复百口具;复合家庭用具;复合
Antique furniture.古老家俱;古典家具;古董家具
Chinese furniture.中国家具;中国度具;明式家具
Bamboo furniture.竹家具;竹家庭用具;竹制家具;竹
furniture例句Her original plan was to find replacement furniture herself.
她起初的计划是自己找替换的家具 。
Sword marks on my furniture!
I also like 20th-century furniture.
我也喜欢20世纪的家具 。
What do you like about furniture?
Maybe we could get some new furniture.
或许我们应该买些新家具 。
双语例句We'll want more furniture for the new office.
我们的新办公室需要添些家具 。
How can we make room for all the furniture?
We need to buy some new furniture.
我们需要买一些新家具 。
Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste.
现代家具有点过于简朴 , 我不大喜欢 。
I worked there so long that I became part of the furniture.
【furniture可数吗】我在那里工作得太久 , 都不为人注意了 。
We don't carry a large stock of pine furniture.
松木家具我们备货不多 。
Could you help me shift some furniture?
The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.
这件家具备有组装工具和说明书 。
Only wood from managed forests is used in our furniture.
我们的家具完全是用监管林中的木材做的 。
All the furniture was made of wood.
这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的 。
We got rid of all the old furniture.
我们扔掉了所有的旧家具 。
You've changed all the furniture around.
你改变了所有家具的位置 。
Buying new furniture may prove too costly.
购买新家具可能会花钱太多 。
We spent the morning measuring up and deciding where the furniture would go.
我们花了一上午量来量去 , 决定家具怎么摆 。
He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so.
他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的 , 一切都安排得井井有条 。
The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture.
浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色 。
When we moved we had to put our furniture in storage for a while.
搬家时我们不得不把家具送出去存放一阵子 。
Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional.
他们的家具美观多于实用 。
She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England.
她安排将家具海运到英国 。
All the furniture is crafted from natural materials.
所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成 。
