CANADA - The Canadian Meat Council is applauding changes announced last month to Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Programme.In a report tabled in September, the House of Commons Committee on Human Resources made 21 recommendations for improving Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Programme.Last month, the federal government eliminated a provision which required temporary foreign workers to leave Canada for four years after working in Canada for four years and is expected to respond to the remaining recommendations by the end of January.Ron Davidson, the Director for International Trade, Government and Media Relations withCanadian Meat Council, says, unless we are able to properly staff our meat processing plants farmers will not have a place to have their animals processed and the plants will be unable to remain competitive.【红肉行业赞同对外籍劳工项目做出修改】
加拿大肉类委员会对上个月宣布的加拿大暂时外籍劳工项目的变更表示赞同 。为了优化加拿大暂时外籍劳工项目,加拿大国会下议院人力资源委员会在九月呈阅的一份报告中,提出了21项建议 。上个月,联邦政府废除了一项条款,这项条款请求外籍暂时有效期四年的劳工在加拿大工作满四年后,必须离开加拿大 。联邦政府将在一月底对剩下的提议做出归应 。国际贸易公司董事兼加拿大肉类委员会与政府媒体公关罗恩·戴维森(Ron Davidson)说:“除非我们能够为肉类加工厂提供合适的雇佣员工,否则将不会有企业参加堤潴牧加工业务中,并保持其应有的竞争力 。”
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