lol九周年战斗之夜主题曲介绍 LOL九周年战斗之夜
1、战斗之夜主题曲《Fight Of Your Life》 。
Patience breathe slowly
Keep til the pain subsides
Ill try not to make you laugh
Because I know it hurts so bad
Stricken without warning
No portent No tell tale signs
Silent laying half alive
With angels weeping at your side
Hope you wore your riot gear your in for the Fight of Your Life
Best you wear your finest suit You may need some makeup tonight
Your eyes tell me that youre not through and youll battle through this plight
Better do all you can do cause one things true youre in for the fight of your life
Slowly count backward anything to clear your head
Waiting for an outcome
【lol九周年战斗之夜主题曲介绍 LOL九周年战斗之夜】Unending sadness makes you numb
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