欧盟猪价:价格下跌趋势放缓 全球猪价暴涨
EU - There was further pressure on the European pig market recently as market prices in almost all EU member countries went down again.However, the latest price decrease in Germany was far more moderate than over the past weeks.From Austria, there are reports of a balanced market situation. According to the Austrian agricultural producers, the food retailing industry’s fresh meat promotion activities currently form the driving force there.
【欧盟猪价:价格下跌趋势放缓 全球猪价暴涨】由于几乎所有欧盟成员国的市场价格再次下跌,欧洲生猪市场(European pig market)最近濒临进一步的压力 。然而,德国最新的价格跌幅要远远小于过去数周的跌幅 。据奥地利报道,那儿的市场状况供求平衡 。根据奥地利农业生产者称,食品零售行业的清新肉类促销活动在目前形成了市场上的一股推动力 。
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