欧盟猪价:轻微的上涨趋势目前停止 美国猪价上涨
EU - In March, the pig prices started to relax in most of the EU member countries. Unfortunately, this trend could not be continued last week.Once again, the German slaughter companies were the ones to complain about bad margins in meat sales, calling for clear price decreases at the same time.Since the pig backlog supply kept within limits before the Easter holidays, the minus 2 cents’ fall in prices just was not as important as had been called for.The target set by Germany was followed by the Dutch slaughter companies (minus 2 cents) and by the Belgian ones (minus 1 cent).
【欧盟猪价:轻微的上涨趋势目前停止 美国猪价上涨】
欧盟大多数成员国在三月的猪肉价格开始贩 。不幸的是上周趋势就无法保持了 。德国屠宰公司再次抱怨肉产品销售的利润微?。氪送焙粲趺魅返募鄹裣碌?。由于猪肉存储供应在重活节前限制了价格上涨,猪价被抑制了2欧分 , 这使得德国屠宰公司呼吁的并不那么重要 。荷兰(Dutch)在德国设置了目标报价后下降了2欧分 , 比利时(Belgian)报价减少1欧分 。
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