国际猪价走势大涨 欧盟猪价:报价持续上涨
EU - The European pig slaughter market was able to continue the friendly trend. The majority of quotations went up again because of the good demand situation before Easter. The marching course was once again determined by Germany with its plus 4 cents.The Dutch and Belgian quotations followed suit and at almost the same height. In Denmark as well, where the price had stayed the same (1.282 ) over the past three weeks, the prices most recently went up by a corrected 4.2 cents, adding up to 1.324 . This way, Denmark is again leading the ranking of the five countries most significant in European pig keeping and relegating France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands to the places behind.
欧洲生猪屠宰市场正在保持良好的趋势发展 。由于重活节前良好的需求环境,大部分猪肉报价再次上涨 。市场趋势再一次被德国报价增添的4欧分引领 。荷兰和比利时的报价效仿德国,几乎达到同一水平 。丹麦过去三周的报价保持不变(1.282欧元),然而最近价格上涨 , 修正了4.2欧分,增添到1.324欧元 。因此 , 丹麦再次率先欧盟五大养猪国的报价排名,把法国、西班牙、德国和荷兰至其后面 。
【国际猪价走势大涨 欧盟猪价:报价持续上涨】
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