FRANCE - After three weeks of consultations with all stakeholders, France's Agriculture Minister Stéphane Le Foll and Brittany's regional president JeanYves Le Drian have signed a plan for the future of the pig industry in the region.In a context of imbalance between supply and demand, combined with strong European competition, pig farmers in Brittany have had a constructive dialogue with the authorities and all stakeholders in the sector.The new initiatives aim to ensure the sustainability of pig production in Brittany, with modernisation of the sector a key objective.With the new measures, the State and the Region reaffirmed their commitment to the pig industry retaining its place as the pillar of the agriculture and agri-food in Brittany, which is a key agricultural region in Europe.【法国布列塔尼未来猪肉产业的新计划】
法国猪肉产业所有利益相关者已经进行三周的磋商,法国农业部长勒弗尔(Stéphane Le Foll)与布列塔尼(Brittany)市长德里昂(Jean-Yves Le Drian)签署一份关于布列塔尼猪肉产业未来的准备 。当前处在供养不平衡的环境,结合欧洲激烈的竞争,布列塔尼猪肉生产商已经和政府及产业所有利益相关者进行了聊天 。新举措旨在确保布列塔尼猪肉生产的可持续生产性,其中一个重要目标是产业现代化 。结合新措施,国家和地区政府重申了他们的允诺,保证猪肉产业的地位,使其作为布列塔尼农业及鲜活农产品的支柱产业,让布列塔尼成为欧洲重要的农业地区 。
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