
长难句:Specialists in history and economics, have shown two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was marked by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.
结构剖析:本句的主干是Specialists in history and economics, have shown two things, 冒号后面的部分为两个 that 分别引导的两个从句,它们是______的同位语,对其进行具体说明 。
核心词汇: be marked by 特点是,以....为特点
worsen 恶化
populace 民众, 百姓;全体居民
【考研英语长难句:一句句突破长难句_13】参考译文:历史和经济方面的专家指出了两点:一是1650至1750之间的时期确实是非常贫困,二是工业化肯定并未恶化、而是可能实际改善了大多数人的生活条件 。
