六一儿童节用英语怎么说? 外国人不说“六一”,只说“儿童节” 。
英语是:Children's Day 。 或:International Children's Day 。
六一儿童节的英语怎么说? 儿童节
Children's Day
International Children's Day
儿童节的英文怎么写 Children's Day
1、Children's Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son.
儿童节顿时就要到了,我应该为我的儿子买一些新东西 。
2、Today is Children's Day, a festival full of happiness, dreams and fantasy.
今天是六一儿童节,一个充满欢乐和梦想的节日 。
3、In your childhood, How to celebrate the Children's Day?
4、At last, I have to say this Children's Day next month is my last Children's Day.
最后,我不得不讲讲我最后一个儿童节 。
5、This is my of the most memorable of the61 Children's Day!
6、Though today is Children but I must go to school.
虽然今天是儿童节,但是我必须去上学 。
儿童节 的英文怎么说? 儿童节的英文是Children's Day,读音是?t??ldr?nz de? 。
Children's Day
读音:英 [?t??ldr?nz de?]
翻译:儿童节,它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日 。 目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日 。
例句:Today is Children's Day, a festival full of happiness, dreams and fantasy.
今天是六一儿童节,一个充满欢乐和梦想的节日 。
2、春节:the Spring Festival
3、元宵节:the Lantern Festival
4、国际劳动妇女节:International Women's Day
5、植树节:Arbor Day
6、清明节:Qingming Festival
7、国际劳动节:International Labor Day
8、中国青年节:Chinese Youth Day
9、端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival
10、建军节:the Army's Day
11、中秋节:Mid-autumn Festival
儿童节用英语怎么读 儿童节 的英文表示为: Children's Day,儿童节(它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日 。 目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日) 。
Children's Day的用法
1、My daughter had a wonderful Children's Day today.
今天,我女儿过了一个精彩的儿童节 。
2、We talked about the Dragon Boat Festival holiday and Children's Day.
我们谈到了端午节和儿童节 。
3、What did you do on last children's day?
4、This is my of the most memorable of the61 Children's Day!
5、Talk about Daming's Children's Day with your friends.
和朋友讨论一下大明的儿童节 。
6、It's children's day. let's do a play.
儿童节到了,我们做个游戏吧 。
7、Yes. Tomorrow is June the first, Children's Day.
对了 。 明天是儿童节 。 六月一日是儿童节 。
8、Children's Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son.
儿童节顿时就要到了,我应该为我的儿子买一些新东西 。
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