
听用英语怎么说 你好!

Listen to the tape
“听起来”用英语怎么说? listen to hear
我们在听英语用英语怎么说? tch out in an endless vista. So we go
听英语怎么说? Listening and speaking are two sides of one thing.
听说的听用英语怎么说? hear这个单词很容易记的, ear是耳朵的意思, 和耳朵有关就是“听”了
听和指的英文怎么说 listen to English
aqui te amo 。
听英语的英文怎么说?急!急需!快 翻译成英语,
We are listening to English.
听 用英语怎么说 "听起来"英语是:sound 。
sound    英[sa?nd]    美[sa?nd] 

n.    声音, 声响; 音调, 声调; 声波; 嘈杂声;   
vi.    响, 发声; 听起来, 好像; 回响; [音乐] 乐器等被奏响;    
vt.    使出声, 使发声; 清楚地发出; 宣布, 发表; 颂扬;    


1. "That sounds good nice  " 那听起来不错!
2. I know that sounds tough, but as I said, if you're not tough inside, the world will always push you around anyway.我知道这样说听起来很刺耳, 但是正如我说过的那样, 如果你意志不够坚定, 那么无论如何, 你只能让世界推着你转 。
3. And, if that sounded grim, Greene responded almost jauntily. "No, not grim, but realistic  如果那听起来太冷酷, 那么, 格林几乎是得意地回答道:“不, 不是冷酷的, 而是现实的 。 ”
4. It sounds as if you have grown apart from Tom.  听起来好像你和汤姆之间产生了隔阂 。

5. It sounds like bronchitis.  听起来像支气管炎 。  
【学习知识|听英语怎么说,黑板英语发音】6. It sounds like a nice room. can we take a look at it? 听起来不错, 能不能看一看房间 。

听录音用英语怎么说 听

n. tin, can

v. listen, hear, listen
to, obey, heed, let
