大足香国公园音乐喷泉时间 写香国公园的作文

写公园拍照的作文100字?今天 , 我和爸爸去世纪莲公园玩 。我们走进公园 , 看到各种各样的花 , 五颜六色 , 真美啊!这时 , 一阵微风吹来 , 还闻到花香呢!我走过去 , 看见花丛中 , 美丽的蝴蝶在跳舞 , 勤劳的蜜蜂在忙着采蜜呢!爸爸连忙举起相机拍了下来 。我兴奋地说:“爸爸 , 我也要拍照 。”爸爸说:“你选好景点 , 就喊我吧!”我在花坛前、草地上、广场上……摆着各种姿势 , 爸爸给我拍下许多漂亮的照片 。拍完后 , 我们就开心地回家 。
用英语写一篇去公园的作文?【大足香国公园音乐喷泉时间 写香国公园的作文】Last weekend ,  all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning ,  some of my classmates sang ,  danced ,  and some played valleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch ,  we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired ,  we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon ,  we retuned to school by bus.
