
外企最后一轮面试后到底要等多久啊对方公司说的是一个星期给答复 , 你可以在第六天下午或者是第七天早上大哥电话过去问问有结果了没有 , 有时候是人力资源部也在讨论这几个人中哪个适合一点 , 如果这时你打个电话过去 , 人力资源部会记住你这个人的名字 , 而你的主动性给人力资源部一个好的印象 , 人力资源在讨论的时候会优先想到你这个名字的 ,
外企面试一般几天后有通知结果?不出意外 , 3-5天!
外企面试后一般多久发offer呢?马上写感谢信 ,
Dear Anthony

I want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me last
. Y
our advice was quite helpful and as a result, I am reworking my resume to
include many of your suggestions. I will send you a copy next week.

I very much appreciate the leads you gave me and have already set up a meeting with
Milton Becker for next Friday
. Please keep me in mind if you hear of any other

I wish you continued success and hope I will have the opportunity 。 。 。 。 。 。
更多内容参考 一下 (The Art of Job Hunting)-《求职的艺术》求职教材讲的方法 。
