whether和if的区别 whether双语例句

1、whether是否;不管;无论 。
2、if如果;即使;每当;条件;设想 。
whether用作连词,意思是“是否,是不是”,可引导名词从句或动词不定式短语 。
whether还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管,无论”,从句中通常用一般现代时代替将来时 。
I'm uncertain whether to go or not.
我不能肯定去还是不去 。

whether和if的区别 whether双语例句


if引导条件状语从句,从句可为真实条件从句,也可为虚拟条件从句 。如为真实条件从句,谓语用陈述语气,表示可能性很大,作“假使”“如果”解,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;如果if从句中用will,表示意愿 。
从句如为虚拟条件从句,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,表示可能性不大或与过去事实相反,作“要是,假如”解 。可指过去的情况,也可指现在和将来的情况 。指将来情况时可用were to或should 。
I can give you a round neckline if you prefer.
如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口 。
意思是“假使,如果”时,whether从句单纯表示事实;whether可以用在介词之后的间接疑问句中;whether可以用在“to+动词原形”的前面;whether可以引导主语、表语从句 。
意思是“是否”时,whether多用于书面语中,可与or或or not连用,除引出宾语从句外,还可引出主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句或与不定式连用 。
意思是“假使,如果”时,if从句可以表示希望;if不能用在介词之后的间接疑问句中;if不能用在“to+动词原形”的前面;if不能引导主语、表语从句 。
意思是“是否”时,if作“是否”解时,多用于口语,引出宾语从句,不能直接跟or not连用 。
whether双语例句Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up.
我们是否需要更多的食物,这要视到场人数而定 。
I asked whether they could change my ticket.
我问他们是否可以给我换票 。
I'm not sure whether I should tell you this.
我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你 。
She asked her boss whether she could have the day off.
她问老板可不可以让她请一天假 。
You've got to go to school,whether you like it or not.
不管你喜欢不喜欢,你得上学 。
It's doubtful whether the car will last another year.
这辆汽车未必还能用上一年 。
It remains to be seen whether his project will fly.
他的计划能否成功尚需拭目以待 。
We can try that─but whether it'll work is another matter.
我们可以试试看——但行不行则是另一回事 。
They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.
他们正在斟酌能否把钱花到其他更适当的地方 。
We don't know whether he's alive or dead.
我们不知道他是死是活 。
You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not.
买还是不买,你得作出选择 。
I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party.
不知您能否来参加聚会 。
It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.
能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了 。
It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay.
你的去留与我无关 。
It is questionable whether this is a good way of solving the problem.
这未必是一个解决问题的好办法 。
Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action.
你的律师可以告诉你是否起诉 。
A number of factors decide whether a movie will be successful or not.
一部电影成功与否是由许多因素决定的 。
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.
标出下列说法是对还是错 。
What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions.
议论的焦点是她是否应对自己的行为负责任 。
Whether he will continue to be successful in future is open to doubt.
他今后能否继续获得成功值得怀疑 。
if双语例句I could do it now,if you like.
如果你愿意的话,我现在就可以做这事 。
You can come with us if you want to.
如果你愿意可以跟我们一起来 。
Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful.
只有时间才能证明这种疗法是否成功 。
He must be 70 if he's a day!
If you need anything,I am at your service.
您要是需要什么,请尽管吩咐 。
Let me know if you have any problems.
你若有困难就告诉我 。
I don't care if I never see him again!
If that's what you think,you're way off base.
你如果那么想就全错了 。
I went to see if my old school was still there.
我去看过母校是否依然存在 。
If you should change your mind,do let me know.
假如你改变主意的话,一定要告诉我 。
Come and get me if you think you're hard enough.
你要是觉得自己有种,就冲着我来吧 。
What difference will it make if he knows or not?
You can come too,if you want.
如果你想来也可以来 。
If you have any issues,please call this number.
如有问题,请拨打这个电话号码 。
I just wanted to know if everything was all right.
我只是想知道是否一切都好 。
She asked me if I would give her English lessons.
她问我愿不愿意给她上英语课 。
Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow.
如果你明天回来,也许更好 。
I'll get there,even if I have to walk.
我就是走也要走到那儿去 。
If he can't help,there's always John.
如果他帮不上忙,总还有约翰呢 。
If they offer me the job,I'll take it.
【whether和if的区别 whether双语例句】如果他们给我这份工作,我就接受 。
