关于英国的资料英文 英国的英文简介
1、The UK is the largest net exporter of financial services, with over 40% of its exports to the EU[ 46] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to as UK.——英国是最大的金融服务净出口国,其中超四成的出口面向欧盟 。大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,简称“英国” 。
【关于英国的资料英文 英国的英文简介】2、It is located in the British Isles in the northwest of the European continent, surrounded by the North Sea, the English channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.——本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围 。
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