

一些玩家对游戏中的殖民者行为模式不是很了解,这里给大家带来了“Karlfeldt”翻译整理的火星求生殖民者行为模式中英文对照简单介绍,感兴趣的同学可以了解下 。
Each colonist prefers to work in a building that matches their specialization (below). If no such job is available, then they will fill spaces depending upon the priorities that you have set. They also have characteristics such as comfort and sanity that must be managed lest the colonist become Earthsick and demand to leave on the next shuttle home.
Colonists will only work within the dome that they live in, but they can walk from dome-to-dome or take a shuttle (provided via the Shuttle Hub) to transfer from one dome to another should you choose to manually set their new home or new work in a different dome.
Colonist work assignments follow these rules, in order:
The player can manually assign inpidual workers, ignoring all rules below. Ideally we hope that there will be no reason to do so, unless the player particularly likes to micromanage. Clarification: Manual assignment is not permanent, so after a long period the colonist may decide to switch jobs.
Buildings with the highest priority are fully staffed if possible
If there is not enough workforce higher priority buildings will be fully staffed while lower priority buildings will be partially staffed, but the game will try to keep them operational if possible (e.g. all buildings at high priority staffed at 100%, all buildings at the medium priority staffed at roughly 50%, all buildings at low priority staffed at 0%)
Specialists prefer to work according to their specialization, as long as this doesn't mess up the above rules.
Keep in mind that since everything depends on the inpidual simulation, you may have to wait for 1-2 sols until all workers find their desired workspots, so in any current moment there may be a situation where e.g. a Botanist is working in a Bar and a colonist without a specialization is working at a Farm. This is temporary and should be resolved automatically after a while.
每个殖民者都更倾向于在他们的专长领域工作 。如果没有适合的工作,他们会优先在玩家设置的高优先级建筑里工作 。当然还要注意殖民者的舒适度和精神状况不然他们得了思乡病就会乘坐下一班火箭回家 。
殖民者只会在他们居住的穹顶里工作(截止到现在为止 。因为会有通道但是通道的工作原理不明) 。但是他们可以通过步行或者坐穿梭飞机来实现穹顶间的移动或满足你手动给他们设定的新家或者新工作 。
玩家可以指定一个殖民者的工作,无视以下所有规则 。实际上我们并不希望玩家这么做除非玩家事无巨细 。注意:手动设置的工作并不永久 。殖民者可能会在一长段时间后换工作 。
有高优先级的建筑中的岗位总会被优先满足 。
如果没有足够的人手,高优先级建筑会被填满但低优先级建筑会部分填满 。但是游戏机制会竭尽所能的让所有建筑运作 。(比如,高优先级建筑人手100%,中优先级大约50%,低优先级为0%)
有专长的殖民者会根据他们的专长进行工作,在不违背以上前提之后 。
注意,任何事情都遵循个体模拟,你必须等1-2个sol直到殖民者找到合适的工作 。所以有可能,一个园艺师在酒吧工作而一个无专长的殖民者在农场工作 。这是临时的,一段时间后会解决 。
火星求生殖民者行为模式中英文对照简单介绍为大家分享到此,希望对大家有帮助 。

