
piano的复数形式是pianos 。一般来说,名词单数变复数,有生命的名词以o结尾加es,没有生命的名词o结尾加s 。所以piano的复数形式是pianos 。piano意思是钢琴,全称是pianoforte 。piano是可数名词,表示“弹钢琴”时,要加定冠词 。例如:I am thinking of purchasing a piano.我想买一架钢琴 。



piano的复数例句These pianos are of different widths.
这些钢琴的宽度是不一样的 。
The concert opened with a lively performance of a piece for two pianos.
音乐会以两架钢琴精彩地表演开始 。
Pianos which have a pleasant timbre are of higher price.
音品好的钢琴价格往往也比一般的高 。
The pianos the other shop will be cheaper,but not as good.
另一家店的钢琴会更便宜,但质量却没这家的好 。
The pianos act as a blank canvas for everyone else's creativity.
这些街头钢琴是一块油画布,任每个人发挥其创意 。
In the house there are five pianos.
屋中有五架钢琴 。
Music from pianos inside the offices filled the air.
到处都飘荡着从办公室里传来的钢琴演奏的音乐 。
There are five pianos in the room.
房间里有五架钢琴 。
piano例句Apple's ipad mini ads had users playing piano.
在苹果的iPadmini广告中,用户正在弹钢琴 。
They will say,"did you see what happened last night at the piano bar?"
Everyone will tell you to go to the piano bar.
所有人都会告诉你,一定要去钢琴酒吧 。
Don't go to the piano bar
Don't go to the piano bar.
千万别去钢琴酒吧了 。
双语例句She'd love to be able to play the piano.
她很希望能弹钢琴 。
She does an hour's piano practice every day.
她每天练一小时钢琴 。
You need a good ear to master the piano.
弹好钢琴需要有敏锐的辨音能力 。
Where do you want the piano to go?
The music was still open on the piano.
乐谱仍摊开在钢琴上 。
He started playing the piano at an early age.
他幼年开始弹钢琴 。
We couldn't get the piano through the door.
我们无法将钢琴搬过这道门 。
He learnt to play the piano at an early age.
他早年就学会了弹钢琴 。
Put the piano there,against the wall.
把钢琴放在那儿,紧靠着墙 。
He left off playing the piano to answer the door.
他停止弹钢琴,应门去了 。
The piano was in good condition.
这台钢琴状况良好 。
I've got a piano lesson later today.
今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课 。
I can play the piano,after a fashion.
我会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎 。
He played the piano with great feeling.
他钢琴弹得很有感觉 。
We had to carry the piano up three flights of stairs.
我们不得不抬着钢琴上了三段楼梯 。
Her execution of the piano piece was perfect.
她把那段钢琴曲演奏得非常完美 。
He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.
他把传统民歌改编成钢琴曲 。
We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn't move.
我们推了又推,但钢琴一动不动 。
She played the piano confidently but her timing was not good.
她钢琴弹得很自信,但是节奏掌握得不好 。
She sold her car and bought a piano with the proceeds.
她卖掉了汽车,然后用这笔收入买了一架钢琴 。


